Simplify With Purpose

Utah Declutter Coaching and Professional Organizing

Crystal Ellis Simplify With Purpose Professional Organizer serving Lehi Utah

Crystal Ellis

Owner and Founder

As a mom of six kids, I know how quickly our homes can become filled with all kinds of unnecessary stuff.

I also know how to stop that cycle and discover the freedom of owning less.

Life is more manageable and simple when you let go of your excess and only keep those things that support the life you want.

Because life isn’t about managing stuff. It’s about becoming who you are meant to be.

Professionally trained by Organizer.Club and Joshua Becker of Becoming Minimalist.

Meet Our Team

We have the best professional home organizers! Each of us are mamas – we get it. We’re right there with you. We use our love of organizing to help you simplify your home so you can more fully enjoy the people in it.

Brooke loves to purge and organize closets she's like a closet organizing ninja in riverton utah
Brooke Church
Lead Organizer

Brooke aims to find the world’s best chips and salsa. Her favorite space to organize is closets because they’re an easy area to purge and quickly change the functionality of an area.

“It’s so important to love where you live and have time to do what you love. A simple and organized space allows for mental peace and the freedom to pursue life to the fullest and not be bogged down by clutter that doesn’t serve you.”

Tasha is amazing at organizing pantries to best fit your families lifestyle in bluffdale utah
Tasha Langston

Tasha’s personal goal is to spend time exploring with her family in the outdoors and to someday visit The South.

Tasha loves simplicity and uncluttered spaces. Her favorite space to organize is the pantry.

Annika loves to organize and put everything neatly and tidy in place in american fork utah
Annika Riddle

Annika’s favorite cravings are Tru Fru raspberries and Dot’s pretzels. She would love to visit Venice, Italy someday.

“I love to organize living areas–bookshelves and furniture–the things that make a big impact on how a home looks and feels.”

organized kitchen shelves make things easier to manage

What Makes Us Different?

Our professional home organizers focus on teaching you to live differently. We always start by discovering your purpose – why you want to own less and what you want more time and energy for. We don’t simply whip your space into shape in a day leaving you in amazement. Rather, we teach you the habits and mindset you need to keep it that way, resulting in a more manageable and simple lifestyle.

We are firm believers in an abundance mindset and giving back to the community. You can see our ever-growing list of local places to donate your items here.

Let us help you create a home that is easy to take care of so you can spend your energy on what matters most to you.

Ready to Get Started?

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